Saturday, December 14, 2013

2014 Predictions

Interest rates skyrocket. Initially they increase by .05%, then as Summer approaches, rates are near 6%. This happens when the FED stops their incessant printing of worthless, debt based paper.

The official government estimate of unemployment is seen and proven to be completely false, with real unemployment numbers near 28%, accounting for the underemployed, those that have just given up and those that no longer collect unemployment benefits.

The service industry explodes. Over 75% of Americans are now in the service industries of restaurants, cleaning services and other domestic service related jobs.

Home ownership drops to an all time low, owning a home is no longer seen as worth it.

The new full time officially becomes 30 hrs per week. Company health benefits are non existent and seen as a thing of the past.

The Affordable Health Care Act continues to drive insurance costs up with no relief in sight.  Record numbers of people are now uninsured, hospitals begin to turn away emergency room patients. Triage care tents are set up outside hospitals to help with the most basic needs of the injured and sick.

Being able to support oneself without the help of government is seen as the New American Dream.  Nearly 60% of all Americans are now dependent on some form of governmental subsidy.

Bankruptcies and foreclosures reach record levels. Thousands of people begin to "live off the land" shunning modern society.

High schools across America are found to be "pushing kids through" to graduate illiterate, semi retarded morons to assure continued federal government funding so teachers can keep their jobs. 

Most private corporations begin doing away with over half their employees and begin using automated processes for everything from checkout counters to routine factory work. Shopping in a store is greatly reduced, on line transactions triple, eliminating 35% of all retail employees.

Google introduces the 'Driverless Car', less people drive, auto insurance rates increase to make up the for difference of less insured motorists. 

Growing industries are surveillance, security and prisons. All other businesses other than government are in free fall.

The TSA begins to interface with local police departments, essentially federalizing all police. Airport-like pat downs and searches are now the norm at all sporting events, large retail centers and all public transportation sites.

Prison incarceration rates go up by 14%. Private prison labor for large corporations begin to replace a lot of the jobs that are left.

Prescription drug use for depression and anxiety increases 18%. Most people are now medicated.

Random violence such as the "knockout game" increase to epidemic proportions in the inner cities. People now wear helmets and neck braces when in urban environments. Major fashion lines capitalize on this and designer helmets are sold to the upper classes.

Congress and the Senate begin calling themselves 'Overlords' and start referring to people as 'Serf's' as the chasm between rich and poor explodes. The words 'middle class' are seen as ancient and something from the past. No one knows what 'middle class' means anymore.

The younger generation of 18-24 year olds begin communicating with grunts, groans and hand signals. They no longer see a need for language and actively rebel against the spoken and written word. App's are created with pictures, sounds and bright colors, words are used less and less. This is hailed as 'creativity' in youth.

Ethnic groups revert to tribalism, separating themselves from mainstream society.

The official Economic Collapse happens in late Spring of 2014. The dollar loses 40% of its value overnight as Russia and China stop using the petro-dollar for petroleum transactions. Saudi Arabia begins accepting other currencies for petroleum, igniting a regional war in the Middle East. The US uses Israel to attack Iran to begin an American invasion of Iran to capture the last remaining cheap oil on the planet.

The derivative crash in the US stock market exacerbates the failing petro-dollar sending the planet into a global depression and economic meltdown.

Mesh networks of street level cameras and wireless capture devices begin to surveil all citizens within range of these devices. People willingly give up their privacy to feel safe. Amazon and Dominoes Pizza begin their first drone delivery services. 


Saturday, November 23, 2013

Montana Mountain Man Arrested for Trying to Feed Himself, Leaves Judge Speechless

In a packed courtroom, 52-year-old Ernie Tertelgte told the judge “I am a living man protected by natural law and I have the right to forage for food when I am hungry… You are trying to create a fictitious, fraudulent action.”
Charged with fishing without a license and resisting the arrest for fishing without a license, Mr. Tertegte says he’s being wrongly prosecuted for trying to feed himself.

Tertelgte, 52 years old, was arrested on Monday and is accused of fishing without a license and then resisting arrest.

He appeared before the judge via video from the Gallatin County Detention Center, and it was standing room only more than a dozen friends and family members filled the small courtroom.

Tertelgte appeared subdued and respectful before the Justice of the Peace during Tuesday's court session, which went very differently than his court appearance earlier this month, where Tertelgte and Three ForksCity Judge Wanda Drusch got into a heated exchange.

Terteltge argued that the court did not have the authority to charge him, citing "natural law."

He told the judge, "You are trying to create a fictitious, fraudulent action." He continued, "I am the living man, protected by natural law."

He then yelled, "Do not tell me to shut up! I am the living, natural man, and my voice will be heard!"

Terteltge then pointed at the flag and said, "That is the Jolly Roger, that thing you call the American flag with the golf fringe around it is the Jolly Roger, and you are acting as one of its privateers!"

When the judge noted that he had pleaded not guilty, Terteltge countered, "I never plead, animals plead, sounds like baaaa, oink oink." The back and forth exchange continued for a few more moments, and the hearing ended after both the judge and the defendant walked out.

This time, extra law enforcement officers were in court Tuesday and the proceedings happened without any outbursts.

A friend of Tertelgte's told us that he and the others came to court to enforce the Constitution.

William Wolf said, "It's we the people that run this and rule this country, not we the courts, not we the government, and if the people don't start standing up for themselves and for each other, we are going to continue being subjects of this government."

Justice Adams set Tertelgte's bond at $500 and his next court hearing is scheduled for January.

Tuesday, November 19, 2013

Serfdom on the Digital Plantation

Many of us are now Serf's on the Digital Plantation. Getting a "job"as an indentured serf requires all manner of digital license and acknowledgement. The Overlord owners have set it up that way via outsourced professional employment organizations, psychological testing and endless background checks and tests.  These third party intermediaries and testing regimens, (Serf data warehouses), are tools of the Overlords to enforce the Digital Plantation. As such, they funnel all of your information to  the Primary Overlord and Overseer, the State. Somewhere in the employment agreement you unwittingly signed this acceptance thereby becoming an indentured Serf to your employer Overlord and the primary Overseer, the State.

Serfdom requires maximum effort for minimal pay. Personal information such as work history, residence, social security numbers, drivers license numbers, phone numbers are all property of the Overlords and the Overseer. Once the information is in their clutches, they own it and by proxy, own you, the Serf. You however are not privy to their personal information, residences, work history or anything else about them except when to report to them and how you will be fired. As a human 'resource' Serf, your options are limited. If something goes wrong and the Overlords reduce your hours for any infinite number of reasons, you will be punished for it in the future. Don't worry - it's all recorded, filed, data based, shared, distributed and stored - to be held against you, the Serf at a later date.. Your Serf profile is there for the Overlords' asking, just waiting to be used and accessed by future Overlords.

Overlords appreciate the Digital Plantation Serf tracking system that has been set up. It helps them reduce Serf pay, hold things against the Serf and otherwise demean, diminish and control the Serf population. The Serf's are too busy working for multiple Overlords so the system works perfectly for the Overlords. It helps them further extract, exploit and generally use up the available Serf's in the most efficient manner possible. After all, they are only Serf''s! They don't really matter! Only Overlords and Overseers matter.

The Digital Plantation is the new "Masters House" through which the Serf's have to serve. It is omnipresent and and must be dealt with. Sign onto the Digital Plantation via an 'I-9' and proper identification or drop off the grid entirely. Just like in the days of slavery, the Masters House is sacrosanct and must be served. The Master, 'Overlords', still regularly beat the Serf's via low wages, overly controlling attitudes and general mental instability. The beatings are psychological instead of physical however they are rooted in the same mental instability and general insanity as the slave owners of the past. Just as in the past, good slaves get sold and new ones are bought. The Overlords prefer a fresh supply of Serf's to be changed out on a regular basis, further diminishing the perception of the Serf's ability to rise out of Serfdom.

Escape options for the Serf exist and have been utilized. Self employment and knowing your legal rights, even as a Serf, have helped many join the underground Serf railroad. Telling Overlords to pound sand at the right time and place is also a tool that can be used by Serf's to escape the Masters House. Direct confrontation of Overlords also works, they are typically a cowardly bunch and need to be put in their place. Many a Serf have been surprised at the reluctance of overlords to engage in direct conflict. The Overlords are shocked when directly confronted and stunned when they have to actually have dialogue with a Serf. Overlords are reluctant to share negative data concerning a Serf which also works in the Serf's best interest.  The Serf can win these battles and he or she must. Rise Serf! Tell the Overlords to Stand Down or face the wrath of the Serf!

Thursday, October 31, 2013

Phrases that should be Banned

The following phrases used in everyday language need to be banned immediately. Users of these phrases are not your friend. The use of these phrases places them in the category of combatant to you and the banned phrase should be pointed out to them at once. 

"First of all...." - This phrase is setting up a list that the speaker wishes to enumerate. He or she feels compelled to list all of your offending actions  to build a case against anything you might have said or done. This phrase is a precursor to justifications of your "guilt" or perceived wrong doing on your part. These lawyerly types are amateurs at best and should be cut off at the first utterance of "First of all..."

"By the way.." - This little group of words is the passive aggressive sidekick to "First of all". This useless grouping of words proves only to irritate someone after you thought they finally stopped speaking. "By the way.." is never good. It is a reminder of one last pain point someone is trying to interject after they sugar coated their perception of reality. Its like a sucker punch or one last jab that the idiot speaker thought he would get in before he leaves. Notice that this phrase is usually spewed forth when someone is physically leaving your presence, it's cowardly at best and should also be cut off at the knees as soon as one hears it.

"Check it out..." - These useless words should never be heard by anyone over the age of 16. There is nothing to 'check' - either in or out. This phrase is a call to action to review the moronic meanderings or petty objects of an imbecile. You are not securing a room at a hotel nor are you buying groceries. Those are the only people checking in or out. Let the fool uttering this phrase know he's complete idiot, he deserves to be made aware of his place in society.

"Lemme guess..." - Do us all a favor and lose the guesswork. Playing guessing games never got anyone anywhere.  Adding to the stupidity of the phrase is the self righteous "guess" made by the speaker. It is always negative and highly subject to the aggressive nature of the comment. Letting these dupes paint pictures in your mind of their "guesses" in their feeble brains should be halted immediately. As soon as you hear "Lemme guess.." tell the uninformed parrot you 're not at a carnival and don't play guessing games. Furthermore, you're not letting him do anything.

"Looky here..." - This phrase is by far the most ignorantly stupid statement anyone can ever spew forth. Not only does it show a word that doesn't exist, it presupposes the non existent word can be used in a two word sentence. Where is "here"? Is "here" the person speaking or the thing he is pointing or referring to? People that use this phrase are the same ones that wear hats while driving and have neck tatts. They are to be avoided at all costs. The best defense to this two word abomination is to pretend you heard nothing at all, wait a couple of minutes then look at them like they have three eyes. Keep staring at them, they are stupid and they know it, it just takes a while for these mental handicaps to register.

Wednesday, October 16, 2013

Shelter In Place

The Federal Government has issued warnings to stay in your home during this time of our greatest national crises. Report to your local Wal Mart to be identified and issued your mandatory microchip food and identification bracelet. Please fill out your New Citizen Identification papers and keep the yellow copies for your records. You will need to present these New Civilian Identification papers for travel
during daytime or night. Civilians not carrying these papers will be detained until further notice. The standing order is to stay in your homes until otherwise notified. The National Guard will be patrolling the streets for your safety.

Your local Wal Mart will be working with the military and your  Regional FEMA Threat Fusion Center. Please inform the authorities as to surviving family members and inoculation status. Do not drink untreated water. The FEMA relocation buses will be leaving twice daily to help in relocation efforts to the temporary housing facilities. These facilities are not "camps", simply temporary family housing to help with food, shelter and safety. Re-education of civilians to know their roles in our post crises world will commence in these facilities. Your local Wal Mart will also have the mandatory Civilian Inoculation Program in place. The CIP is there to protect you and your family from potential bio terrorism. Inoculations are mandatory to receive your biometric food ID bracelet and New Civilian Identification Papers.

The blast radius of the nuclear event is 25 miles, the radiation from the blast extends 200 miles from the event. The prevailing weather patterns will take the radioactive fallout over two thirds of the country, presenting possible radioactive contamination to over 200 million civilians in the United States. Martial Law is in place for the entire country. New FEMA facilities are being brought on line to help with relocation efforts for the majority of the population. Your local schools will serve as temporary FEMA re-location centers as well as Wal Mart. A travel ban has been issued. All interstates are to be used for military personnel only. Local travel will be permitted during daylight hours however restricted with roadblocks and checkpoints. Failure to present proper Civilian Identification Papers at these checkpoints will result in transfer to Suspected Criminal Activity, (SCA), facilities. 

The Bill of Rights and Constitution have been suspended indefinitely.  Our president has enacted Executive Orders to continue his tenure indefinitely. Congress and the Senate are now being used as administrative and surveillance arms of our nation. They will administer and oversee the enforcement of the Department of Homeland Security and the TSA.  All civilians must now comply with home visits also known as 'knock and talks' from the Department of Homeland Security and local authorities to make sure survivors are safe. Failure to comply will result in immediate transfer to an SCA facility. All civilians must confirm GPS coordinates of their home, apartment or property with the United States Postal Service within 30 days or face possible SCA action.  The postal service will deliver mail once per week to those not relocated. The TSA has been activated within your local community and are here to help. TSA officers are the primary authority and contact between civilians and the military. 

Work efforts for all able bodied men and women will be administered through the Homeland Work Brigade, or HWB. These efforts will be necessary to  help in the restoration of our nation. All civilians between ages 18-60 must report to your local TSA HWB.  Failure to do so will result in transfer to the nearest SCA facility. Civilians will be involved in security for disaffected individuals, surveillance, helping with civilian transfer to FEMA facilities and infrastructure support. Initial efforts of the HWB will focus on roadblocks, checkpoints and food and water safety. All airlines are shut down until further notice. The Federal Government has nationalized all oil, gas and transportation. The Dept of Homeland Security and the TSA will assume roles within these industries and use them for the benefit of the nation.

It is estimated that 200 million people will be relocated to FEMA facilities within the first six months of the disaster. The elderly, welfare recipients, disabled, homeless, food stamp recipients, most social security recipients and others deemed as relocation worthy will be relocated to FEMA facilities. These individuals will go through psychological testing and placement services upon their arrival.  Most of them will be employed in the maintenance of the FEMA facilities, others will be deemed as 'non essential' and will re-assigned along with non cooperatives to alternative facilities that better meet their needs.

The remaining 100 million people in the country will be surveilled for their safety via aerial drones, RFID/DNA based ID chips and Civilian Identification Papers. Their travels to and from their homes and businesses will be monitored and analyzed for their safety. Incentives will be given to civilians who actively monitor their neighbors and and their neighborhoods for illegal activity. The TSA is sending high definition cameras and instant streaming capability to all persons requesting it. Compensation will be incident based and available on line through the restricted internet. The internet as we know it is now shut down. All internet activity will be restricted and monitored. Applications are being accepted through the TSA for exemptions to go on line for one hour per day to be kept informed of the on going crises. Email is allowed however monitored and controlled.

The plan to secure America and get through this national crises is now in effect. The Department of Homeland Security, TSA and the military are all working together to help the nation get through this crises and restore order as soon as possible. Keeping America safe is the goal. Millions of displaced Americans must complete a Civilian Re-education Curriculum, (CRC), to be able to be assimilated in the proper manner. This will be necessary for the safety and protection of the State. We urge cooperation and understanding in this effort. Please report to the authorities immediately.

All currency,gold, silver and firearms must be turned into the TSA. This is for the prevention of rioting amongst the populace.  Penalties for possession of these items include SCA detainment and re-education center relocation. There is a General Seizure Order, (GSO), in effect for these items. A new currency will be issued in the coming months which will be controlled through a nationalized banking system. The currency will be paperless and linked to your bio metric food and identification bracelet. Credits will be issued to those not held in re-education facilities. Your new currency credits will be apportioned according to daily caloric intake of food for your family and clothing and shelter needs parameters designated by your local authorities. Credits can be earned through approved participation within the Homeland Work Brigade, are not transferable and can be re-estimated at any time according to Civilian Law.

All citizens not in FEMA facilites will be subject to regular screening to ensure the health and safety of the populace. You will report to your local FEMA clinic for blood and urine screening on a bi monthly basis. Failure to report will result in transfer to a re-education facility. Any substances found in a civilians health screen not approved for use can result in transfer to a re-education facility. Civilians will be compensated with additional credits that inform the authorities in regards to other civilians disregard or falsification of their health screening results. These patriotic individuals will then have an opportunity to move into management roles for the HWB, SCA or TSA. 

Unfortunately, the death penalty for all offenses deemed as egregious has been made law nationwide. The Federal Government has decided on a more humane way of dispensing with treason through the use of guillotines. Thousands of guillotines have been purchased and distributed through out the nation. Hundreds of thousands of three person hard plastic coffins have also been distributed to help with the sanitation and safety of the deceased. Work brigades are being utilized to help in the accommodation of deceased civilians. Excavation sights will be used for disposal of the deceased. The magnitude of the disaster has warranted a 24/7 deceased civilian burial effort and will employ thousands of HWB personnel.

Aerial spraying of anti contaminant compounds will commence on a 24/7 basis. Civilians are urged to not concern themselves with the aerial spraying, it is for your safety. A small percentage of the population will become ill from the spraying and will have to be placed in a containment facility within a FEMA compound. These civilians will be given comfort and care to help them adjust to the anti contaminate compounds. Medications will be issued to civilians to help in their adjustment phase. All civilians will have access to anti depressant and anxiety medication during the crises. The medications will be free for the first six months, then deducted form your earned credits after the trial period. All civilians are encouraged to take at least three anti depressant and anti anxiety medications from their local authorities. Pharmaceutical companies are helping in this effort and assure the safety and purity of all medications dispensed.

Since most food grown and harvested within the former United States will be contaminated, genetically modified food will be the only legally distributed food throughout the country. Possession of Non GMO food will be a crime and punishable by transfer to an SCA or FEMA facility.  Pre- packaged, GMO food is the safest alternative during this time of crises. Food controls are in place and food will only be distributed through the TSA and the military. Private gardens are illegal and will result in possible treason charges. All farms, nurseries and private gardeners must destroy their possibly radioactive or otherwise contaminated plants. Since food is the most important life giving force, failure to abide by national food policies is a treasonous event and will result in transfer to a FEMA facility.

We are in trying times and the above efforts will help in the re-building of our nation. Counselors are available to help in the transition. Government band cell phones are being sent to all residents not relocated. Please call 911 as soon as you get the phones to let us help you with all your concerns.

Wednesday, September 18, 2013

Professional Interviewee and Corporate Tax Write Off

Interviews    01/18/2013 – 10/09/2014

Employer                             Number of Interviews                    Interview Type    

RAF Tabtronics                                           2                                       2 on site-Deland
Certified Commercial Security                   2                                   1 on site-Orl,1phone
Aerial Rooftop MRI                                    2                                       2 on site Orl
Great Lakes Petroleum                               1                                        1 on site ,Tampa
EAM Distr.                                                 2                                   1 phone, 1 onsite
Mod Space                                                 3                                   1 on site,Jax, 2 phone
XPO Logistics                                           2                                    1 on site,Jax, 1 phone
Cinn.Bch rest.                                            2                                    2 on site
Aurora XMP                                              2                                         2 phone
EPIS                                                          1                                         1 phone
Vantiv                                                        1                                         1 phone
Pearson                                                      1                                         1 phone
Citrix                                                         1                                         1 phone
Ruby Tuesday                                            2                                        2 on site P.Cst
Corey Ent.                                                 1                                         1 on site P.Cst
World Pay                                                 2                                         2 phone
Ameri Life                                                1                                         1 on site, Jax,Fl
E- One                                                      8                                         2 phone, 6 on site, NY
Houligans                                                 1                                         1 on site, P.Cst
TESSCO                                                  1                                          1 phone
Rainbird                                                   1                                          1 phone
Shred It                                                    1                                          1 phone
Powersports                                             2                                          2 on site, St Aug
Cucina Giovanni                                     1                                          1 on site,(PT offer)
Alpha EMC                                             2                                          1 phone,1 onsite, Orl.
Terranovas                                               1                                          1 on site, Bunnell
Davey Comm. Lansdc.                            1                                          1 phone
Leroys                                                     1                                           1 on site,St Aug.
Generac                                                   8                                          3 phone, 5 in Wisc.
ATT                                                         2                                          1 on site,1 phone
VW                                                          2                                         2 on site, St Aug. 
Net Works                                               1                                      1 on site,Daytona
BTG                                                        1                                      1 on site, Jax
Oceanside Ctry Club                              1                                      1 on site, Orm Bch
Job News                                                1                                      1 on site, Jax,FL
Fluid Flow tech.                                     3                                      1 mtg,PC,2 phone int.'s
UTC Aerospace                                      1                                      1 phone int.
Skye Recruitment                                   1                                      1 phone int. 
Bank of America                                    6                                      1 skype int.1, Orl, 3 phone
Hilton Worldwide                                   1                                      1 phone                                            

41                                                          75                                        Total

Comments heard during interviews, direct quotes of interviewers.

-       “… Congratulations on being one of the four candidates out of 66 chosen for the 2nd interview”.. I can see you are definitely well rounded, dynamic and very articulate, it was very nice to meet you..”

-   "...We are moving forward with you for sure and Scott has asked that we schedule you to meet his team right away to make his final decision for an offer."

-       “…It’s not you Steve, you interview well and would probably do well here…however, the President of the company is looking at people with more specific industry experience…I will however set up an interview with him for you” – never heard from again

-       “…you would, with no doubt do well here, we just found someone from the same industry…”

-       “…oh, thank you for your preparation , no one has ever prepared this well for an interview….”

-       “..we will have a more definitive answer for you either this Friday or by Monday..” – no answer ever given

-       “…we are refining some of our internal processes and will have feedback for you by next week…” – no feedback given

-       “…we need someone in this position yesterday…”  - no hiring decision ever made

-       When I asked an internal recruiter about the chances of me being hired if they fly me in for several more interviews, his response was “ …oh, we don’t waste money like that…If we fly you in we typically always go forward with the candidate…” – never went forward, (after 7 interviews, a flight to Wisconsin, rental car, meals and a hotel stay).

-       “ …you demonstrated your passion and energy and illuminated your past successes very well. I think you would be a great addition to our team…”  -never heard from again.

-       “…here’s the benefits package of our company, you’ll need to choose one of these group insurance plans….” – no offer ever made, happened twice, two different companies.

-       “’s how your typical day will look like and what you will be doing..” – no typical day ever experienced.

-       "...I'll send you a package that shows responsibilities and compensation.."   - never received the 'package'.

-       :...We want to go to the next phase of the hiring process. The hiring manager has already seen and approved your resume', please fill out our internal application and take the assessment, we look forward to working with you!"   - still waiting

    As a Professional Interviewee and Corporate Tax Write Off, I can help your company in many ways. The first of which is  interviewing skill and interdepartmental communication. I can help hone and improve these skill sets amongst your staff. Since I undoubtedly have the ability to get the interview, I will act as a "Mystery Candidate" and provide clear and concise feedback to help measure the effectiveness of HR, the Hiring Manager, Regional Managers and all others involved in the interview process. I will tailor each interview with specific questions and concerns provided by you or through myself.

    You , the employer, will also be able to write off 100% of my expenses and the daily $500 fee for my service. I have noticed that this is very important for most corporations towards the end of each quarter. Airline flights, meals, rental cars, gas, fees - it can all be written off, thereby decreasing your corporate income tax. 

    My goal is to help your corporation become more effective and selective interviewers of potential candidates thereby decreasing employee turnover, bad hiring decisions and outright time wasting. As the above examples illustrate, I can get your employees to almost hire me which frees me up for the next assignment and lets me maintain anonymity to provide feedback about your process and employees. Your corporation deserves the best in their hiring process, let me help your company be the best when it comes to interviewing for potential positions. 



Wednesday, September 11, 2013

Middle East Solution

The Solution to all problems in the Middle east is simple and within reach. It is something we all use every day and take for granted - AC.  Look at the pictures and video you see coming from the Middle East, you think they have any form of air conditioning over there? No, they don't. I have never seen a compressor, a central AC vent or even any window units in these countries. They are behaving like its a thousand years ago because they're living like its a thousand years ago!

Think about how upsetting it is when your AC goes out. The heat is stifling, you feel regressed to a time long ago, a time before electricity. Then there's the expense of having the repair man roll up into your driveway and spend an hour fixing it, it's a nightmare, enough to make anyone want to go on a jihad. It angers you and makes you wanna spit. I dare say it makes you want to fight! No AC is a recipe for volatility and aggression! Hence the problem in the Middle East.

Instead of missile batteries and aircraft carriers, we need armies of well equipped AC repairmen and installers. Companies like Carrier, Trane and others would profit enormously from this effort. Imagine fully loaded ships, planes and anti personnel carriers rolling into Egypt, Syria and all the rest of these countries with the sole purpose of cooling off the universal hostility that comes from no AC. These AC troopers would be welcomed and applauded. Millions of new compressors, miles of duct work and tons of freon, piping and gauges would benefit everyone in the Middle East and the American companies that supply them! No power grid, no problem, we use solar for each unit or combine solar with the power they already have. Its a win win with no down side. The cost of one cruise missile is $1 million dollars and that doesn't include the delivery systems, launching and transport to the launch site.  We could air condition the entire Middle East, profit enormously from government contracts with these countries and probably eliminate over half of the violence over there. The US govt. could fund this effort for a fraction of any missile launch or war and the receiving countries could give what they can thereby reducing the cost to us even further.

This is a viable solution to the crashing petro dollar and pending economic implosion. Every company even remotely related to this effort would benefit enormously. The unemployment rate in the US would fall and goods and services produced here would skyrocket. When the Middle East is air conditioned, we could move on to other areas of the world that could benefit from reduced indoor temperatures and repeat the process. Instead of policing the world, we need to AC the world and maybe then we'll all be able to just get along.

Thursday, August 1, 2013


Welcome to the downgrade! Welcome.. come on in, there's plenty of room.  We're all working five times as hard and making a third of our former incomes, life is great. Your back hurts and your feet are killing you but at least you're getting overtime. Don't worry, you still won't be able to pay your bills. 

Welcome...Hey, if you're really lucky, you'll be able to find side work on your only day off, once again, don't worry  - it still won't be enough to get the bills paid. Welcome. Oh yeah, joining the working poor really lets you see how many others are in the same boat. There's millions of 'em toiling away at underpaying jobs. No health or life insurance, no benefits whatsoever, some of them with no vehicles or licenses, just perpetually stuck in a week to week working/living hell. A lot of them have college degrees, had good paying jobs, houses, cars - the whole lot. They too have been welcomed. Come on in. Wellll-come. Need air in your tires? $1.50 for air, welcome. Now that you no longer have health insurance, good luck re-filling that statin prescription. You don't have $80 to see the doctor? Too frigin bad, go have a heart attack .Welcome.

We all knew it was just a matter of time. Take solace in the fact that you are alive however realize the complete and total financial nightmare you have entered into. Listen to the stories of countless others who have been welcomed. "...I used to have a Mercedes Sl and managed over 100 people in a region for a major corporation. - Welcome.   ".. I did 47 interviews with 29 companies in five months resulting in no offer..." Welcome. "..I used to fly around the country and present to engineering groups, high level CEO's and utility directors...Welcome, enjoy your stay. Welcome. Welcome to the new economic calamity. We all participate in it. Now you're one of us. Enjoy that feeling of hopelessness and despair. It will pass soon, once you realize there is no way out. It's now just a matter of buying time on every financial obligation you have every day, week and month of your life for the foreseeable future. Go get a half tank of gas and feel wealthy. As you become more and more internally numb to all of it keep up that false hope of relief some time soon, even though you know it will never come. We are in America after all, land of dreamers and doers! Only problem is your "dreaming" is that of an extra hour of sleep before that 11 hour shift and your "doing" is getting through your shift and wondering if you'll get that side work on your day off..Welcome I say, Welcome.

Tuesday, July 23, 2013

10 Things you could do in 1975 but cannot do now

In 1975:

1.You could buy an airline ticket and fly without ever showing an ID.

2.You could buy cough syrup without showing an ID.

3.You could buy and sell gold coins without showing an ID

4.You could buy a gun without showing an ID

5.You could pull as much cash out of your bank account without the bank filing a report with the government.

6.You could get a job without having to prove you were an American.

7.You could buy cigarettes without showing an ID

8.You could have a phone conversation without the government knowing who you called and who called you.

9. You could open a stock brokerage account without having to explain where the money came from.

10. You could open a Swiss bank account with ease. All Swiss banks were willing and happy to open accounts for Americans.
There are thousands of other examples.The monitoring is in place all that is required from here is the clampdown.

The differences, between now and 1975 in the business sector are even more prevalent. In recent years, in industry after industry regulations and prohibitions have been poured on top of free markets. It doesn’t look like things will get any better in years to come. Eventually, the economy will suffocate and collapse, if this continues.

Thursday, June 20, 2013

Dirt Nap

Rub those steroids under your arm, amputate those body parts,
Guzzle that city water with fluoride, take the shots.

Drink the diet soda with aspartame and wonder why-
Cancer is off the charts.

Eat the GMO, ingest the MSG, don't worry -
Cancer viruses  and excito-toxins for you and me!

Ask your physician, for he thinks he is God,
The big pharma companies 
Are from the Land of Nod, prescribing again and again,
The deadly chemicals that will leave you bent and dead.

The Insurance companies are bankers and your healthcare is weighed, not treasured, They'll never think twice or pay for preventive measures,

Crisis management is all they know,  
Like calling the fire department,
When your house is all aglow.

So pay that premium and hope for the best,
Deal with the rate-ups and all the other crap,

Take responsibility for your health,
Or enjoy a long dirt nap.