Tuesday, November 19, 2013

Serfdom on the Digital Plantation

Many of us are now Serf's on the Digital Plantation. Getting a "job"as an indentured serf requires all manner of digital license and acknowledgement. The Overlord owners have set it up that way via outsourced professional employment organizations, psychological testing and endless background checks and tests.  These third party intermediaries and testing regimens, (Serf data warehouses), are tools of the Overlords to enforce the Digital Plantation. As such, they funnel all of your information to  the Primary Overlord and Overseer, the State. Somewhere in the employment agreement you unwittingly signed this acceptance thereby becoming an indentured Serf to your employer Overlord and the primary Overseer, the State.

Serfdom requires maximum effort for minimal pay. Personal information such as work history, residence, social security numbers, drivers license numbers, phone numbers are all property of the Overlords and the Overseer. Once the information is in their clutches, they own it and by proxy, own you, the Serf. You however are not privy to their personal information, residences, work history or anything else about them except when to report to them and how you will be fired. As a human 'resource' Serf, your options are limited. If something goes wrong and the Overlords reduce your hours for any infinite number of reasons, you will be punished for it in the future. Don't worry - it's all recorded, filed, data based, shared, distributed and stored - to be held against you, the Serf at a later date.. Your Serf profile is there for the Overlords' asking, just waiting to be used and accessed by future Overlords.

Overlords appreciate the Digital Plantation Serf tracking system that has been set up. It helps them reduce Serf pay, hold things against the Serf and otherwise demean, diminish and control the Serf population. The Serf's are too busy working for multiple Overlords so the system works perfectly for the Overlords. It helps them further extract, exploit and generally use up the available Serf's in the most efficient manner possible. After all, they are only Serf''s! They don't really matter! Only Overlords and Overseers matter.

The Digital Plantation is the new "Masters House" through which the Serf's have to serve. It is omnipresent and and must be dealt with. Sign onto the Digital Plantation via an 'I-9' and proper identification or drop off the grid entirely. Just like in the days of slavery, the Masters House is sacrosanct and must be served. The Master, 'Overlords', still regularly beat the Serf's via low wages, overly controlling attitudes and general mental instability. The beatings are psychological instead of physical however they are rooted in the same mental instability and general insanity as the slave owners of the past. Just as in the past, good slaves get sold and new ones are bought. The Overlords prefer a fresh supply of Serf's to be changed out on a regular basis, further diminishing the perception of the Serf's ability to rise out of Serfdom.

Escape options for the Serf exist and have been utilized. Self employment and knowing your legal rights, even as a Serf, have helped many join the underground Serf railroad. Telling Overlords to pound sand at the right time and place is also a tool that can be used by Serf's to escape the Masters House. Direct confrontation of Overlords also works, they are typically a cowardly bunch and need to be put in their place. Many a Serf have been surprised at the reluctance of overlords to engage in direct conflict. The Overlords are shocked when directly confronted and stunned when they have to actually have dialogue with a Serf. Overlords are reluctant to share negative data concerning a Serf which also works in the Serf's best interest.  The Serf can win these battles and he or she must. Rise Serf! Tell the Overlords to Stand Down or face the wrath of the Serf!

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