Thursday, December 3, 2015

Beating Back the Bastards

Most people have had those moments of little victories that defend their day and gave them fleeting hope of justice in the universe. Institutions and corporations both private, state or federal that overstep their bounds in one's personal life are truly in need of a correction and at times an old fashioned beat down. These wannabe overlords will drain you of your income and deprive you of your liberty if you don't know your rights as a Natural Person, free upon the land.

The next time an electric company, in this case, FPL, demands a deposit of $400 for being late on your electric bill twice in a year, please do tell them to pound sand and F off. Ask to speak to one of their executives and simply quote chapter and verse of the Sherman Anti Trust Act that states that no company shall act as a monopoly thereby eliminating your choice of power provider and hold you hostage for a needless additional $400 deposit. They will begin grovelling at this point and offer you no deposit and better terms. They know they are bastards.

When a state authority such as the Florida Dept of Insurance sends you a letter in all caps threatening the STATE OF FLORIDA VS YOU demanding $5000 or license suspension and a 3rd degree felony over a vague charge, do not comply. If you've done nothing wrong tell them and refuse their demands. Unless they have ironclad evidence of wrongdoing they have nothing. People pay out of shear fear of the document however that's all it is, a document - meant to intimidate and shake you down for your cash. The bastards of the state have no concern for you except as a potential blood-bag taxpayer serf to be drained.

If you ever have to deal with Child Protective Services you are in for a real treat when you do. These people are not only bastards but jackals as well. Expect them to 'interview' your children behind your back while they are at school, violating their constitutional rights as well as yours. You can also expect them to send no-nothing dullards to your home that have not even read the case file they are showing up about. When this happens ask them directly "Have you read the case file?" When they answer ", I haven't had time to yet.. " Let them know they are incompetent and tell them to leave your home. Repeat their incompetence to them and let them know that they are not only in dereliction duty but they are now presenting a clear and present danger to you and your children. Hopefully they will tear up and start to cry as you forcibly eject them from your premises. Attorneys will refuse to deal with the 'hybrid' court of Children and Family Services, do no let this detract you from letting these idiots know they are bastards and they need to be beaten back.

The best $750 I ever spent was to pay an attorney to get a $5000 alleged debt dismissed after the company demanding payment was a third party debt collector that bought the debt for pennies on the dollar.These low life scum bastards are the real bottom feeders in society. The company that wrote off the debt and sold it to the third party hyenas was bailed out by the federal government. I had no moral compunction to pay, where was my bailout?

Out of control megalomaniac "bosses" in the work place need a good beating when they ride you like a mule with micromanagement and downright ignorance. Simply keep a record of all of their late night emails, insulting innuendos and threats. Make sure all communications are time date stamped and put them into a cogent document that their bosses can read when you leave. When leaving the corporation, make sure you get all of your back pay, then send the document to their bosses boss and know that you have done everything you can to beat back the bastard boss that thought he had you down. The pen is mightier than the sword and chances are he will have to answer for his transgressions.

Beating back the bastards might not change the world but at least you know you did your part to make it a better place.