Thursday, May 2, 2013

Defying Definition

The age old question of 'who are you?' defies explanation. Are you your name? Your Social Security number? Are you defined by your work, your family or your station in life? Are not these definitions simply labels put on us by external requirements to be defined, categorized and put on a shelf to be utilized or needed only when these definitions apply?

When asked ,"What do you do..?" at a party or social event , you typically tell people about your job. It's no wonder we need alcohol- and lots of it - to handle these situations. Who in their right mind wants to hear about someone else's job - a job that they typically don't like yet they tell you they do. A better question would be, 'What did you learn this week'  or '..what do you do when you're not working...'.

 "Here's my card"- another complete waste of time. No one needs those cards. No one really uses them. They are a prop and they exist only to give us something to do. My next business card will read 'Zarathruster'- Doer of Things- with an email address. If someone remembers something we spoke about and wanted to contact me, they can email me and state their need or concern. No fax number, business, office or cell number will be on the card. If they can't email me, I don't want to speak to them. Since I am a 'Doer of Things", I am not limited to any one thing or group of things. Plus, a 'Doer' sounds much better than a 'Consultant'.

We should not be bound by the two name naming convention. As grown adults, we should be able to choose the name that suits us best. Since our first and last names are actually a corporate entity evidenced by all capital letters on our birth certificates, we have had no choice in our given corporate name. Our parents unwittingly signed us into the system of social security and taxation via a warehouse receipt ,(birth certificate), under admiralty law. Under admiralty law, we acquire our citizen-ship. The gold fringe around the edge of the American flag in a court of law indicates admiralty law. We are birthed from our mothers water and given a certificate of birth much in the same way goods are transferred from a ship to a warehouse with a warehouse receipt issued. We are now defined as human capital and a human resource. A resource is by definition something with value to be extracted and then discarded when no longer necessary. If that's all we are then we're definitely in trouble.

Through a Uniform Commercial Code filing, you can free yourself of your corporate name and become a Sovereign Citizen. The name given to you at birth is a straw man for your corporation. Through filing a first lien position on your straw man name, you are therefore in first lien position in regards to all debts, liabilities and encumbrances associated with your corporately named person. You are the third party intervener in regards to your straw man. None can come before you. You are a Sovereign Citizen which also implies responsibility to natural laws of right and wrong however not to the forced bondage of the corporate system. By answering as the third party intervener on behalf of your straw man in a court of law, you are not entering into the agreement foisted on you as a corporate entity. Therefore they have no dominion over you. Although rare, there are proven examples of this in the Canadian and American court systems typically involving civil cases, ordinance violations and traffic infractions.

The Sovereign Citizen is an interesting way of defining yourself and is worthy of recognition. Our names are our corporations in the system and knowing this might allow one to realize the reasons why we are tied to our system via social security, taxation and improper interpretation of laws via the court system. 

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