Saturday, February 15, 2025

Why is everythign such a pain in the ass?

 When did TV become such a pain in the ass? Apps, subscriptions, cancelling them, understanding how to QR code access, hidden fees, bank charges - all for wasting your time in front of a television!

Why is booking a hotel room a marketing and survey/feedback experience? The front desk treat you like a leper and sends you to request a text to go to reservations. It doesn't work because you forgot your marriott bonvoy number. A half hour later you are speaking to someone from India you can't understand. The rates are higher - pain in the ass, you book it anyway, there is no other choice.

Flying has always been a pain in the ass however it is exponentially worse now. More QR codes to order food, more security checks and delays, more cancellations. Less leg room. Higher ticket prices, its a bad experience. People are sick, you will be too.

Concerts are practically non-existent and way too expensive. Entertainers are falling off the stage. They get sick and cancel their tours. They get injured on stage, they walk off the stage from no audience participation. It's an F show beyond belief! 

Driving has become extremely difficult, especially in Florida. More people than ever are moving here. I am always happy to hear that it didn't work out for them and they are moving back. Out of state tags are everywhere. These people stand in stores dazed and confused, like from another planet. They are rude and out of their minds. Florida needs a one way lane into the state with a mandatory U-Turn back over the state line to make them think about it twice.

The weather is out of control. Hot, cold, rain , storms, its the most unpredictable ever. Chem-trails are now admitted to exist. They are spraying us like bugs with God knows what. You can see the chemicals in the sky raining down on you, another nightmare to have to deal with.

Co-workers in the corporate environment not only don't care about anything except themselves, they actively avoid and mislead for no apparent reason. The revolving door of managers, incompetent people hired from family relationships and outright fraud are all hallmarks of the working world. Lying CEO's, half baked strategies and the repetition of plans everyone knows will not happen all serve to infuriate you on the Monday morning conference call.

Cell phones have become our constant companion to be stared at most of the waking day. Driving somewhere? Look next to you, someone is deeply engrossed in their damned phone. Working  out? Plan to see most people looking at their phones. At the beach- same thing, staring at a phone. Walking along a trial? More phone users.The alien takeover will occur through the idiotic phones.

Don't worry readers, more pain in the ass experiences await you!