We can solve the crises at our border. Instead of bussing and flying thousands of illegal immigrants to scattered towns across the country we need to put them to work in areas like Camden, New Jersey, East St. Louis, Detroit, Sacramento, and any other once great city that has fallen into perpetual ruin through neglect and people fleeing a nightmare. There are numerous cities and towns in the United States that have fallen beyond disrepair into outright third world hell holes that don't even resemble America. Look at Kensignton, PA - worse than Calcutta India! there is no need for this with the thousands of wannabe US citizens pouring into this country every day. These immigrants can help save the United States through the correct application of their talents and desire to become US citizens.
The US has a long history of work ethic and creativity. Let us introduce the border crossing masses to a similar ethos, especially all of the men. You want to come here and be a citizen? Great! We have just the place for you to help rebuild our failing nation! Camden, NJ is a good place to start. We start with groups of 50 - 100 illegal immigrants and send them there with construction materials, lots of paint, a six months supply of food and water and tell them to get to work! Give the dreamers a year to re-vitalize, re-build , re-paint and claim their new found homes in America! This would be the American dream on steroids. The only requirements would be to learn the English language within a year, show significant progress in the way of making the area livable, more beautiful and a decent place once again - or get deported. All existing infrastructure from electricity, water and roads is intact and just waiting for a facelift. Why not earn your US citizenship by actually doing something rather than waiting for a government program of support?
The men will get to work with a timeline - 1 year. The women and children can choose which city they want to relocate to to support their boyfriends or husbands. Men will be assigned their area to work in. No Ex-cons, convicted felons, pedophiles, they all get deported upon entry. Disputes can be settled by a local magistrate, each city will have a jail, just like the Old West. No alcohol until after the first year, then beer and wine only. Drones can be utilized as well as regular visits from federal authorities to assure progress is being made. The Border Solution program can also be applied to all homeless individuals currently residing in the immigrant assigned areas. They too need a hand up not a hand out. If they don't want to participate, then off to jail or kicked out of the town to the next one. This is a win win for all blighted areas, illegal travelers and sidewalk residents in the country. Get up and help or get the hell out, very simple.
The rebuilding of America is first and foremost to save this country. All hands on deck is required. Upon successful completion of the first year to make US cities thrive again, the participants will feel great and take pride in their work. Assimilation into the United States will be complete and expedited citizenship processes will take place. Imagine the pride on immigrants faces after they sweated and toiled in Detroit or San Bernandino, CA for a year and saw the impact of their efforts! It would be a miracle and just what this country needs.