Monday, September 12, 2022

Everythign is Fake

Fake media, fake lies. Fake facebook posts, fake instagram,. Fake CGI.

Fake man-made chemtrail weather, fake skies. 

Fake meat, fake elections, fake tries.

Fake it till you make it, don't quit and don't try.

Fake jobs, fake pay, fake money system and a fake piece of the pie.

Fake news reports from faked space, more fakery in the sky.

Fake music through computers, anyone can try.

It's all so fucking fake and faked out, I can't believe the fakery before my eyes!

Saturday, June 4, 2022

City of Palm Coast govt- Completley out to lunch and useless


The City of Palm Coast has changed their building code requirement for new residential construction resulting in massive flooding to existing homes near developments under construction.
Attached is an example of my property after one night of rain. Hurricane season is here and everyone is very concerned. Other neighborhoods have also been adversely affected. The new code has all new construction being built at a 4-6 ft elevation above existing home site elevations.  The city is unresponsive, does not care and is in the process of constructing over 2500 homes with their new elevation requirement. This is only going to get worse over
CITY'S RESPONSE - ".. we think that a chain of emails is the best resolution to this problem..."

I solved it myself, you people hide behind emails, rarely return calls and don't give a flying friggin flip about drainage, unbridled developments being constructed at 3-4 feet over current homeowner elevations..You want a mountain of dirt surrounding your home as new ones are built? Your 6 ft fence that cost $10K is now a 4 ft fence because bldg codes have changed for the worse for the existing community? ..., traffic problems or street lighting issue not addressed  - until someone dies. Useless, that is what you are. Completely useless - unless there is a parade or a benefit of some sort, then you shine brightly. We all know it's a fake facade you hide behind. For real issues however, out to lunch, gone and uncaring.

Update 8.14.22

Contractor dug out new swales TWICE and sodded entire area. four months of battling with the engineering firm, contractor, paving company and the city and it's finally done. Damn these people to hell for encroaching my land and making me fight them to fix the problem. We never had this issue until SeaGate homes began raising the elevation behind our house. Other neighbors are now emailing me with the SAME PROBLEM... Side note- When the city bldg inspector finally came out to the property he was shaking with fear when handing my wife his business card, further evidence of the human pieces of garbage they really are.

Update 8.14.22