Saturday, November 26, 2011

"I'll be home (with In Laws) for Christmas..."

(Set to the rythym of 'I'll Be Home For Christmas')

I'll - be home- with - In---Laws...
Home with them to stay...

I'l - be - with -mis-e-rable in lawwws....
If only it wasn't please staaaayyyy

They can take their draaa-maa..take it far awayyyyy...
They can take their draaa-maaa..please take it- a-way- todayyy,,,

Leave your ign- ro-rant -state---ments..
Leave them - at - the - doooorrr...

When your mouth is moving - its- pain - ful...
You - are - worse- then - a borrrrre...

You're - making me want to drink more...
I reall-y dont- want- to....

If - you - dont- leave - I'll get --drunk...
And my next morning - is - screwed.....

So please now - leave - us -quiclky...
Leave - i beg - of thee...

Please now leave us quick - ly
Take- your dra-ma- and -post haste cease....