Thursday, September 12, 2024

Mind Numbing Stupidity

 Mind numbing stupidity is occurring at a much increased pace within the last couple of years.Gratuity fees of 20% in addition to a tip request to eat in a themed restaurant are just the beginning. Pre-tipping and tipping for take out food is just as bad. Things get worse when dentist appointments expire if you do not confirm a voicemail within a week. Prescriptions now expire after 90 days as well as any other medical request.  Lawn services want you to pay up front for a month and they can only be here on Tuesdays, weather permitting.

People are losing their minds on the roads. Road rage, yelling, aggressive driving and downright stupidity like going slow in the fast lane are all on the rise. It' so bad that Florida is passing a law to require fast lane drivers to get out of the way or get a ticket. When the government has to step in and let us know how friggin stupid we are you know we are in trouble. Door dash and Uber Eats are just excuses for your lazy  ass to not leave your house. This food is already bad enough after 10 minutes of waiting and idiots want to wait another 20 minutes to have it brought to your door and pay another fee. 

We have an empty headed , lying hyena like cackling idiot running for President and a megalomaniac former president losing his mind running again.. Senators are freezing in mid sentence at a podium yet they are medically cleared as fit to serve. The United States Army performs sex re-assignment surgery for enlisted personnel. The US is adding a trillion to the national debt every month or so. We have never been more screwed nor has the future ever looked so bleak.

Inflation is off the chain and no one knows why or how. Eggs were $7/dozen now back down to $3.75. I guess the egg industry magically healed itself. Options for renting a car are reduced to ride-share, some sort of transportation puzzle factory where people own cars and rent them out as they see fit from companies like Turo. Everyone thought land lines were a joke until ATT went down. Now they are rushing to install them. 

The media is waving their arms around and bug eyed when they yell at you that only they have the answers and their news is somehow better than the other bought and paid for media outlets. Attention spans are decreasing. Fake game shows in between television ads are perplexing and downright weird. Gas stations have music blaring and gas pumps with TV screens you can't turn off. Obesity is higher than ever before yet people are running to buy air fryers and continue to jam more food down their throats. 

Why do I have to do everyone's job for them? Buying appliances, I have to figure out the discount, the manager at Home Depot shrugs her shoulder and mumbles"..I don't know.." walking away. The DMV cannot tell me how to re-title a vehicle, after 3 visits I found someone that can and is equally pissed off at her incompetent co-workers. I aksed a hotel employee for two bottles of water, she couldn't figure out how to charge me for it so I told her to get me the water and she did, saying nothing else.

The country is in deep trouble, a recession will follow along with bailouts, cash outs, bank failures, mergers of the too big to fails, cyber attacks, more violence from 14 year olds with guns and increased fear and paranoia from everyone, everywhere. We are at the brink of a complete nightmare.

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