Wednesday, October 1, 2014

Proactive Synergism

The next time I hear the words "proactive" or "synergism" I will vomit upon the person speaking them. How about "I'll be 'reaching out' to you this afternoon..or "..I'll let you know when when I 'circle back', with so and so later. Circling back sounds like circling the wagons to defend from an Indian attack or circling back to go behind your back and stick the knife in... I definitely feel "push-back" towards these phrases which is another word used to soft peddle it's intent. "Push-back" means "NO" - or confrontation or does not compute. We have gotten to the point where a simple 'No' is offensive and it is now 'push-back'. How about using the words 'punch back', as in, I will 'punch- you- in- the -face- back', the next time I hear you mutter these nonsensical words to me.

Where is this language coming from? Do people just make up off hand generic phrase's like "reaching out" because they cannot comprehend the idea of speaking to someone? I am not looking forward to a 'reaching out' from you, (it sounds like a 'reach around'), and in no way want to be part of your 'circling back' with me. I prefer the conversation or a call. I am not offended or mystified when you say I will call you this afternoon. It does not bother me to hear the word "No." Please, do not attach any other meaning or underlying intent to your speech. It makes you sound like muzak in an elevator.

The changing of our language is part and parcel of the way in which people are communicating these days. Texting is great however when you are offended and truly caught off guard because you have to actually speak - you have gone to far into the new paradigm. "Text me" is the most common invitation to speak now a days. If you don't text them and mistakenly call, they are highly offended. It upsets them greatly that you have not acquiesced to their abstract communication method. How dare you want to actually speak to that individual! Who do you think you are? I have heard people say, "..I hide behind emails.." These individual could go for days without speaking to anyone. This is their little control mechanism to avoid the outside world. Maybe they should just hide away at home, safely ensconced behind their emails, why bother leaving the house?

Other vomitous sayings include " the end of the day.." and "...all things being equal". At the end of the day I am trying desperately to forget about my day so there is no need to rehash my day and include this statement as a break down of the day. If "all things were equal", there would really be no need to do anything now would there? The federal government came up with a genius statement - "Shelter in Place" - translation - lay there and wait to be shot in the head as the psychopath unloads his AR-15 into the crowd. How about "run like hell" or "try to take out the shooter" - I think that would go a lot further to end the bloodshed. Maybe the shooter was simply getting pushback from his employer, proactively circling the wagons to reach out at the end of the day in a synergistic manner via a text message, all things being equal.

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