Friday, February 15, 2013



1: a concise statement of a principle
2: a terse formulation of a truth or sentiment : adage

-Expect the worst, pray for the best, be happy somewhere in 

-Sleeping until 10:30 is not wrong if you are awake from 3:05 until 5:15. 

-Chance favors the prepared, the prepared usually have a hidden advantage.

-Most interactions with people are about one person trying to get over on the other except in the rare cases of real communication, typically with a spouse or loved one in which case they might still be trying to get over on you..

-The Dalai Lama makes infinitely more sense than the Pope - and he's got a cooler robe.

-Hardship does not make you a better person - just more irritable.

-A valid drivers license is second in importance only to a roof over your head.

-Aggressive stupidity is worse than mental retardation.

-A good attorney is worth the price, a bad one will make you want to commit more crime - against the bad attorney.

-There are no guarantees in life, the best you can do is enjoy the ride- and hope that when your fuel light goes on you make it to the gas station.

-Organized religion is great for keeping people in line- for those that need to be kept in line.

-If unsure, flush twice.

-There are very few absolutes and a very large grey area in between.

-People that use speakerphone are some of the most annoying on the planet.

-Fear takes precedence where experience lacks.

-Going to court is usually a negative experience and to be avoided if at all possible.

-A Syrian merchant once told me "..when doing business in Syria, they F least in the United States they give you a kiss while they are F 'ing you..."

-When your wife comes home and tells you how much money she saved, she is really telling you she overspent.

-Anyone can communicate telepathically -  you just have to live together long enough and in the same space, the problem is not being able to hang up.

-Don't believe the hype.

-A negative attitude can most times be described as being realistic and people have a hard time dealing with reality.

-Money comes and goes - that's why they call it cash flow and calling a plumber might impede the flow.

-It's not what you say - it's how you say it - and when it's said.

-When someone says "huh" or "what'd you say?" - Never repeat yourself, they heard you the first time, be silent and it will register.

-Republican and Democrat are different sides of the same coin - managed and funded by those with the coin.

-Most thing's don't work out - it's how you deal with it that defines you - and realizing the aforementioned.

- A brisk walk through the woods is better than any self help manual ever written - and less dangerous than psychiatry.

-When helping others, be prepared for them to take it out on you- your help might be seen as an attack and they will respond in kind.



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