Thursday, September 12, 2024

More Hotel Misery

 Changing rooms , rain, the smell of ethnic food cooking, bad beds, broken door locks, cant find the truck, no English spoken,half ass working elevators, bad layout, confusing, homeless in the street with signs, sprinklers hitting the window after midnight,, room near a utility room buzzing, no view, banging noises,something not right, screen scrapped and torn,water on sidewalk, flooding, taking the stairs, nasty gym, coughing. FMR.

Mind Numbing Stupidity

 Mind numbing stupidity is occurring at a much increased pace within the last couple of years.Gratuity fees of 20% in addition to a tip request to eat in a themed restaurant are just the beginning. Pre-tipping and tipping for take out food is just as bad. Things get worse when dentist appointments expire if you do not confirm a voicemail within a week. Prescriptions now expire after 90 days as well as any other medical request.  Lawn services want you to pay up front for a month and they can only be here on Tuesdays, weather permitting.

People are losing their minds on the roads. Road rage, yelling, aggressive driving and downright stupidity like going slow in the fast lane are all on the rise. It' so bad that Florida is passing a law to require fast lane drivers to get out of the way or get a ticket. When the government has to step in and let us know how friggin stupid we are you know we are in trouble. Door dash and Uber Eats are just excuses for your lazy  ass to not leave your house. This food is already bad enough after 10 minutes of waiting and idiots want to wait another 20 minutes to have it brought to your door and pay another fee. 

We have an empty headed , lying hyena like cackling idiot running for President and a megalomaniac former president losing his mind running again.. Senators are freezing in mid sentence at a podium yet they are medically cleared as fit to serve. The United States Army performs sex re-assignment surgery for enlisted personnel. The US is adding a trillion to the national debt every month or so. We have never been more screwed nor has the future ever looked so bleak.

Inflation is off the chain and no one knows why or how. Eggs were $7/dozen now back down to $3.75. I guess the egg industry magically healed itself. Options for renting a car are reduced to ride-share, some sort of transportation puzzle factory where people own cars and rent them out as they see fit from companies like Turo. Everyone thought land lines were a joke until ATT went down. Now they are rushing to install them. 

The media is waving their arms around and bug eyed when they yell at you that only they have the answers and their news is somehow better than the other bought and paid for media outlets. Attention spans are decreasing. Fake game shows in between television ads are perplexing and downright weird. Gas stations have music blaring and gas pumps with TV screens you can't turn off. Obesity is higher than ever before yet people are running to buy air fryers and continue to jam more food down their throats. 

Why do I have to do everyone's job for them? Buying appliances, I have to figure out the discount, the manager at Home Depot shrugs her shoulder and mumbles"..I don't know.." walking away. The DMV cannot tell me how to re-title a vehicle, after 3 visits I found someone that can and is equally pissed off at her incompetent co-workers. I aksed a hotel employee for two bottles of water, she couldn't figure out how to charge me for it so I told her to get me the water and she did, saying nothing else.

The country is in deep trouble, a recession will follow along with bailouts, cash outs, bank failures, mergers of the too big to fails, cyber attacks, more violence from 14 year olds with guns and increased fear and paranoia from everyone, everywhere. We are at the brink of a complete nightmare.

Tuesday, November 28, 2023

Border Solution


 We can solve the crises at our border. Instead of bussing and flying thousands of illegal immigrants to scattered towns across the country we need to put them to work in areas like Camden, New Jersey, East St. Louis, Detroit, Sacramento, and any other once great city that has fallen into perpetual ruin through neglect and people fleeing a nightmare. There are numerous cities and towns in the United States that have fallen beyond disrepair into outright third world hell holes that don't even resemble America. Look at Kensignton, PA - worse than Calcutta India! there is no need for this with the thousands of wannabe US citizens pouring into this country every day. These immigrants can help save the United States through the correct application of their talents and desire to become US citizens.

The US has a long history of work ethic and creativity. Let us introduce the border crossing masses to a similar ethos, especially all of the men. You want to come here and be a citizen? Great! We have just the place for you to help rebuild our failing nation! Camden, NJ is a good place to start. We start with groups of 50 - 100 illegal immigrants and send them there with construction materials, lots of paint, a six months supply of food and water and tell them to get to work! Give the dreamers a year to re-vitalize, re-build , re-paint and claim their new found homes in America! This would be the American dream on steroids. The only requirements would be to learn the English language within a year, show significant progress in the way of making the area livable, more beautiful and a decent place once again - or get deported. All existing infrastructure from electricity, water and roads is intact and just waiting for a facelift. Why not earn your US citizenship by actually doing something rather than waiting for a government program of support?

The men will get to work with a timeline - 1 year. The women and children can choose which city they want to relocate to to support their boyfriends or husbands. Men will be assigned their area to work in.  No Ex-cons, convicted felons, pedophiles, they all get deported upon entry. Disputes can be settled by a local magistrate, each city will have a jail, just like the Old West. No alcohol until after the first year, then beer and wine only. Drones can be utilized as well as regular visits from federal authorities to assure progress is being made. The Border Solution program can also be applied to all homeless individuals currently residing in the immigrant assigned areas. They too need a hand up not a hand out. If they don't want to participate, then off to jail or kicked out of the town to the next one. This is a win win for all blighted areas, illegal travelers and sidewalk residents in the country. Get up and help or get the hell out, very simple. 

The rebuilding of America is first and foremost to save this country. All hands on deck is required. Upon successful completion of the first year to make US cities thrive again, the participants will feel great and take pride in their work. Assimilation into the United States will be complete and expedited citizenship processes will take place. Imagine the pride on immigrants faces  after they sweated and toiled in Detroit or San Bernandino, CA for a year and saw the impact of their efforts! It would be a miracle and just what this country needs.

Monday, September 12, 2022

Everythign is Fake

Fake media, fake lies. Fake facebook posts, fake instagram,. Fake CGI.

Fake man-made chemtrail weather, fake skies. 

Fake meat, fake elections, fake tries.

Fake it till you make it, don't quit and don't try.

Fake jobs, fake pay, fake money system and a fake piece of the pie.

Fake news reports from faked space, more fakery in the sky.

Fake music through computers, anyone can try.

It's all so fucking fake and faked out, I can't believe the fakery before my eyes!

Saturday, June 4, 2022

City of Palm Coast govt- Completley out to lunch and useless


The City of Palm Coast has changed their building code requirement for new residential construction resulting in massive flooding to existing homes near developments under construction.
Attached is an example of my property after one night of rain. Hurricane season is here and everyone is very concerned. Other neighborhoods have also been adversely affected. The new code has all new construction being built at a 4-6 ft elevation above existing home site elevations.  The city is unresponsive, does not care and is in the process of constructing over 2500 homes with their new elevation requirement. This is only going to get worse over
CITY'S RESPONSE - ".. we think that a chain of emails is the best resolution to this problem..."

I solved it myself, you people hide behind emails, rarely return calls and don't give a flying friggin flip about drainage, unbridled developments being constructed at 3-4 feet over current homeowner elevations..You want a mountain of dirt surrounding your home as new ones are built? Your 6 ft fence that cost $10K is now a 4 ft fence because bldg codes have changed for the worse for the existing community? ..., traffic problems or street lighting issue not addressed  - until someone dies. Useless, that is what you are. Completely useless - unless there is a parade or a benefit of some sort, then you shine brightly. We all know it's a fake facade you hide behind. For real issues however, out to lunch, gone and uncaring.

Update 8.14.22

Contractor dug out new swales TWICE and sodded entire area. four months of battling with the engineering firm, contractor, paving company and the city and it's finally done. Damn these people to hell for encroaching my land and making me fight them to fix the problem. We never had this issue until SeaGate homes began raising the elevation behind our house. Other neighbors are now emailing me with the SAME PROBLEM... Side note- When the city bldg inspector finally came out to the property he was shaking with fear when handing my wife his business card, further evidence of the human pieces of garbage they really are.

Update 8.14.22


Monday, September 21, 2020

Unmasking The Lies

 The idiocy and complicity of people in the alleged pandemic has literally reached dizzying heights when you can't breathe nor remember the latest instruction on how to walk, talk, stay away and run home. Don't worry- it's all being done for your safety. After all, who wouldn't feel safe when they are isolated, breathing in their own CO2 and scared shitless of everything and everybody?

The look of fear in peoples faces will make you think we just entered into WW III and the country has been nuked. Good news from the governor however, they are going to allow bars and restaurants to open at 25% and maybe even 50% capacity. When has the state and federal government ever controlled the right of a business owner to open? How is it 'good news' that already struggling establishments that are barely making it are 'allowed ' to reopen to make enough to keep the lights on? This is the Bolshevik revolution 2.0. Welcome to hardcore communism! 

Within 24 hrs every major retailer had plastic shields, aisle markers and all manner of control installed in their stores. This action had to be planned, staged and coordinated on a massive scale before the alleged outbreak. The logistics of this are mind numbing. So it takes 24 hrs to shut down the global economy yet it is to be determined when the controllers will allow it to reopen. Why is 're-opening ' anything such a difficult process? Simply go back to work, you are re-opened. 

Mask's are a complete waste of time and are doing more harm than good. If you do not shield your eyes you might as well not have a mask on. A gas mask is the only true protection from anything airborne. Viruses are not airborne. You cannot catch a virus in a parking lot or even in an enclosed space.We have been lied too in a monumental fashion and no one seems to care nor question anything that comes out of the television. Even if a mask was effective, hanging it  from your rear view mirror would negate any effectiveness of it. It is also one the damn stupidest thing I have ever seen. Do we hang diapers or underwear from our  rear view mirrors? Maybe the rear view mirror should double as a laundry hanging device from now on. Or better yet, a toilet paper holder because that is what was on everyone's mind when they were scolded and told to go to their rooms. People were not thinking of food, water and security, they were thinking of taking a shit. This proves the population is completely and forever dumbed down to the point on non nonrecognition.

Maybe big daddy, know it all government will soon set us free to graze upon the pasture once again. As it stands now, we are all in the chute and being guided to smaller feed lots in advance of our eventual rendering and extinction. The most screwed up thing of it all is that we allowed it to happen, bought into the lie and happily gave up everything to race home to our TV sets and allow the fear to be shoved down our throats. We are more screwed now than ever before.

Thursday, January 3, 2019

The Nightmare of Disney Worlds Epcot

Your entire organization is a financial draining, over crowded, nazi-like nightmare of forced biometrics, extremely long wait times, no updating of Epcot in the last 20 years and overall just a horrible experience.

Epcot is a joke. I remember going there in 2003-2005 and it was really nice. It is now unfit to stable horses. My God, the curtains in your attraction of 9 minute movie shorts look like they are something out of 1982. Why is parking $25? Why is the entrance fee to the abomination called Epcot $135? Disney should pay people to go there. With all the money you people make I would expect better. 

What privately held organization on earth makes you "opt out" of a biometric fingerprint scan to enter their facility? Why do I have to show my credit card AND my license at the same time? I am a Florida resident and a native Floridian. Disney employs two individuals at every entrance gate at Epcot to ask for 3 forms of ID before entering with a prepaid ticket. My wife and I walked away from your Animal Kindgom atrocity several years ago because of some of the same reasons. You people are an abomination. The only reason you are in business is because of a giant illusion played out on the world stage that makes everyone think they need to "go to disney world.."

Don't worry, I let everyone in the line at guest relations know that they will be forcibly biometrically scanned upon entering the satanic kingdom. Children asked me "...why do they want my fingerprint..?" I told them - that is a good question, keep asking questions.

I want my money back. I feel ripped off. I'm telling everyone and lining up a meeting with the press to focus in on privacy rights, forced biometrics and unfair pricing in your little hell on earth.I will also be blogging about the soul sucking time I spent in the luciferian kingdom and how it changed me for the worse. One man ended the Vietnam war with the Pentagon Papers, maybe one man can end the vapid, immoral and downright inverted reality known as disney and specifically epcot. 

Hope this Helps!